

A project represents the main software application or product that you or your organization is developing and maintaining. When you sign up for our service, you can create one or more Projects, each corresponding to a different software project your company is working on. Examples of Projects could be “E-commerce Web Application,” “Mobile Banking App,” or “Internal HR Management System.”.


A source refers to a specific component or module within the overall project. This could be the frontend code, the backend services, a mobile app, or any other distinct part of the software system. Each source represents a specific codebase that can have its own set of issues or errors.


For each Source, you can specify multiple Environments. Environments represent the different deployment or runtime configurations of your Source, such as “Development,” “Staging,” or “Production.” This allows you to track errors specific to each Environment, making it easier to diagnose and resolve issues.

Environment Key

An Environment Key is a unique identifier (similar to an API key) associated with each Environment. When your application encounters an error, it should include the corresponding Environment Key in the error report’s header. This allows our system to accurately attribute the error to the correct Project, Source, and Environment.


An issue is a specific problem or bug that has been identified within one of the sources of the project. This could be a functional error, a performance problem, a security vulnerability, or any other type of defect.